
Quatrième Paysage is an artistic project rooted in the digital practice and at the same time oriented towards intermedia approaches: in a rhetorical context that struggles to free itself from the dichotomous real/virtual pre-concept, Quatrième Paysage acts by considering the digital surroundings as a concrete environment, inextricably and intimately connected to the material setting inhabited by tangible – animate and inanimate – objects.


Engaged in the fields of multimedia installation and audiovisual performance, Quatrième Paysage realizes site specific and site sensitive works, through the use of devices and software that allows to establish forms of interaction.


The expressive scenario in which it moves is nourished by concepts such as those at the basis of the dense theoretical reflection on the evolution of the landscape, represented by the French writer, botanist and gardener Gilles Clément in Manifeste du Tiers Paysage. By focusing the artistic action on key notions such as the ‘practice of abandonment’ and ‘residue’, Quatrième Paysage attempts to interpret and absorb the profound and fertile ecosystemic implications – harbingers, moreover, of not least important political implications – by recontextualizing their assumptions inside of another kind of landscape: the numerical and generative one which characterizes the digital environments.


Starting from here – and passing through ‘viscosity’, ‘non-locality’, ‘temporal undulation’, ‘phasing’, ‘inter-objectivity’, ‘hypersubjectivity/hyposubjectivity’, principles enunciated by the writer and philosopher Timothy Bloxam Morton [Hyperobjects. Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World; Dark Ecology] – Quatrième Paysage turns attention and aesthetic practice to the theories professed by Object Oriented Ontology – a school of thought that sees the speculative realist philosopher Graham Harman as one of its main exponents – meeting the assumption of ‘flat ontology’, which undermines the constructed – and arbitrarily constituted – anthropocentric privilege of human existence over that of the non-human.